About Us
mnemonic helps businesses manage their security risks, protect their data and defend against cyber threats.
We're a cybersecurity service provider offering clear answers and pathways to complex security challenges.
We've been a reliable provider of effective defence against advanced cyber threats for more than 20 years, and offer a complete and complementary range of IT and information security services. As an independent company, we always base our recommendations on facts and recommend the optimal solution for our customers.
Our expert team consisting of close to 350 security consultants, product specialists, threat researchers, incident responders and ethical hackers. Combined with our proprietary Argus security platform, this ensures we stay ahead of advanced cyberattacks and protect our customers from evolving threats.
Employer jobs
Claim your company profile and start connecting with top talent today
Want to connect with top cybersecurity talent? We collect Danish cybersecurity jobs from across the web, bringing them together here on Cyber-hub to make it easy for our community to find the right opportunities.
If your company has had a job posted with us before, a company profile may already exist for you.
To claim your profile, simply reach out using the form below and let us know which profile you'd like access to. It’s a quick process, and our team is here to help you every step of the way!